Transfofa em Blog

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segunda-feira, fevereiro 23, 2015


Há 9 anos, precisamente a 22 de Fevereiro, morria Gisberta, imigrante brasileira, transexual, seropositiva, toxicodependente, prostituta e sem-abrigo. Foi brutalmente espancada e violada por um grupo de adolescentes.

Em tribunal, decretou-se que tudo não passou de"uma brincadeira de mau-gosto que correu mal". Não se reconheceu o verdadeiro motivo das agressões - a transfobia.

Braga marchará a 27 de Junho de 2015 com o lema "NÃO À VIOLÊNCIA TRANSFÓBICA". O BFA considera que a população trans vive numa situação de maior invisibilidade e consequente vulnerabilidade social.

Marcharemos pela Gisberta, por tod@s os que sofrem diariamente discriminação devido à sua orientação sexual e identidade de género.


White Dee blasts manager Barry Tomes after he blocks transgender woman's audition for all-girl band
TIffany-Rose Davies says Deirdre Kelly leapt to her defence after the manager refused to let her audition for Office Girls
(Photo: TIffany-Rose Davies was blocked from auditioning for pop band Office Girls)

New NGO to reach out to Maltese transgender community
Gender Liberation sets out to inform and empower the gender variant community in Malta through advocacy that puts into question established gender norms

Transexuais portuguesa e espanhola detidas por estarem "disfarçadas de mulheres"
A Amnistía Internacional pediu a libertação imediàta das duas mulheres às autoridades do Dubai e exortaram a que Portugal e Espanha intervenham com urgência para o seu regresso, manifestando que "deter, prender ou multar únicamente pela identidade de género é uma grave violação dos direitos humanos".

"Me Hijra, Me Laxmi", autobiography of transgender rights activist Laxmi Narayan Tripathi released in English
Flamboyant transgender rights activist Laxmi Narayan Tripathi is proud of her sexuality and claims to be "a woman who can put all other women to shame."
"Me Hijra Me Laxmi," the new English translation of her autobiography launched at the New Delhi World Book Fair was one book she says she never imagined writing. The book is already in publication in Marathi and Gujarati.

Transgenders Demand Action against Cops
The Telangana Hijra Transgender Samiti demanded immediate action against the policemen who denuded a trans-woman, while investigating the case of Pravallika, a hijra that was murdered in January this year. “Although charge memos were issued to the concerned officials, we demand their suspension as the victim here was a HIV positive and make a strong statement to the trans-phobic people across the state and treat us with dignity and respect,” said Vyjayanti Mogli, member of the transgender samiti.

[New Zealand]
Transgender prisoner seeks hormone treatment
A transgender prisoner with a taste for arson is taking legal action against the Corrections Department to get access to hormone treatment.

[New Zealand]
Police to probe claims of brutality
The protestor who was injured has tweeted from hospital today that she is in excruciating pain.
"Looking like no need for surgery at this point. Humerus badly fractured. Feeling proud af."
Police assault allegation at pride parade
Transgender woman's arm broken by police at pride parade

Moreland Council seeks legal advice after Brunswick transgender woman refused permit in female name
Transgender woman Jennifer Jacomb says Moreland Council’s refusal to issue a disabled parking permit in her female name left her feeling humiliated.
The Brunswick West resident said her disappointment was magnified when a council staff member wouldn’t release the permit to her because it was in a man’s name and she had introduced herself as Jennifer.

As trans issues become mainstream, question of how to address variant gender expression comes to forefront
When Zane Bernhard, then six years old, arrived for an appointment with a psychologist at Toronto’s Centre for Addiction and Mental Health, his parents had no idea that the clinic was ground zero in a global debate over children who don’t conform to traditional gender roles.

Progress on gender display for government ID
Changes are coming to Alberta’s government issued IDs and it has a major impact on transgender people.
The government has made regulatory changes allowing for an easier display of specific gender.

Federal Gov: Homeless Shelters Should Respect Trans People's Gender Identities
HUD has instructed shelters to not ask intrusive medical questions or kick out trans residents because of their gender identities, among other important guidelines.

Santa Rosa transgender man struggles to get surgeries covered
Lindsey Sachs’ birth certificate says he was born female, but his whole life, he’s considered himself a male.
He has become so uncomfortable with his female body parts, and disillusioned with his inability to get them removed, that his life has been put on hold. Debilitating social anxiety and intense physical discomfort have prevented him from finishing school, keeping a job or achieving his dream of starting a transgender support network in Sonoma County.
(Photo: (BETH SCHLANKER/ The Press Democrat) James Clayton helps his friend Lindsey Sachs, a transgender man, with his testosterone injection at the Sachs family home in Santa Rosa. “Testosterone helps me look how I feel, and sound how I feel, and just be more comfortable,” Sachs said.)

Inside the Career of Eden Lane, TV's First Transgender Reporter
When Zoey Tur landed a job as a special correspondent for Inside Edition, pundits wondered how audiences would react. Transgender reporters are a rarity on television, and they face unique challenges in such a public career.

2015 Trans 100 set to debut under new management
The profound sadness and somber commemoration of the names of those transgender individuals who have fallen over the past year and are the focal point of the annual Nov. 20 Transgender Day of Remembrance ( TDoR ) takes place one month before the onset of a season renowned for darkness and bitter cold.

The medicine of gender variance
n many countries, transgender people are part of the community. In April, India's highest court ruled it is a human right to choose a gender.
Resources for parents, adults, children

Teen's death rippled across culture
Leelah Alcorn's death triggered a national soul-searching about gender identity, suicide, parent-child relationships and social progress.

WATCH: Memphis Woman Charged With Beating 'Feminine' Son
Police say Jacqueline Alexander thought her son was too effeminate and therefore gay.

Las Cruces: Transgender woman united in spiritual matrimony with man
A ground-breaking wedding ceremony was held in Las cruces Saturday evening.
Eusabia Dominguez claims to be the city's first openly transgender woman to be married to a man.
At first glance it seemed a traditional wedding with the bride walking nervously down the aisle and the groom seeing her in a beautiful wedding dress as the music plays.
But the bride in Saturday's wedding was born a male which for many is far from traditional. The couple say it's the new normal.